Sherri McMillan

Exercises For Runners

Vancouver is home to two very popular running events in the fall, the PeaceHealth AppleTree Marathon, Half & 5K and the Girlfriends Half/10K/5K hosted by Why Racing Events. You will […]

Back to School, Back to YOU!

Kids are back to school so many parents are ready to start focusing on their health and fitness again. It’s a great time to assess your exercise and nutrition plan […]

ROCK Your Workouts

No matter if you are camping, hiking, at the beach or just in your backyard, you can give yourself an incredible muscle conditioning workout with just rocks! If you can’t […]

Designing Your Weekly Workout Routine

To assure your program is balanced, you should have a workout plan that helps organize your time to assure you’re hitting all key fitness components. So, grab a sheet of […]

What’s the Best Exercise to Get Fit Fast?

What’s better to maximize fitness and fat loss – is it cardio, muscle or both? What cardio exercise brings the best results – is it cycling, rowing, running, swimming, hiking […]

Multitasking Workouts

Juggling work, family, summer and keeping our loved ones safe is making life feel really busy. Not to mention getting ready for back-to-school during a Covid-era and it’s no wonder […]

Lift Heavy Things

We have discussed in lengths the benefits of strength training and now, a recent study in May, published in the FASEB journal from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental […]

Working Out When the Temperatures Soar

We have never experienced anything like the record-breaking heat wave we are all living through in the Pacific Northwest. So how do you stay healthy and fit and adhere to […]

Pool Workouts

With the excessive heat we’ve been experiencing, many exercisers are turning to the water for their workouts. Water fitness can improve muscle strength and endurance, flexibility and cardiovascular health, decrease […]

Beach Workout

Who wants to workout when it's sunny and the beach is calling your name?  Well, how about having the best of both worlds?! There are a number of exercises you […]

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