Fake fitness news

There is a lot of talk about Fake News and the fitness industry is not immune. Here’s a list of common myths and the corresponding facts.
Fake: The best time to workout is in the morning
Truth: The best time to workout is when you will consistently adhere to your workout routine. If late night workouts are your thing and it’s working, stick with that!
Fake: Exercise is the best way to lose weight
Truth: You can’t outrun bad nutrition. It’s easy to consume 1,000 calories in about five minutes but it will take you 90 minutes to burn it off. Simply put, nutrition is a bigger factor in weight loss than exercise. With that said, a combined approach of working out and healthy nutrition is the best way to lose weight for the long term.
Fake: Crunches are the best way to get a six-pack
Truth: Crunches only work a select group of core muscles. To get a six-pack you will need to work your core from all angles and involve all core muscles. Incorporate stabilization, rotation, flexion and extension and involve muscles on the front, side and back of your spine. Last, a six-pack truly happens in the kitchen meaning that in order to see the six-pack, you’ve got to minimize body fat by assuring your caloric intake is low enough to cause a caloric deficit and burn body fat.
Fake: High Intensity Training is the only way to experience results.
Truth: Although high intensity training is very effective at burning calories and producing results, it can also lead to burn-out, injuries and may not provide adequate endurance benefits. In order to obtain overall fitness conditioning, you should incorporate all training zones and energy systems. Some workouts go long and easy, other workouts moderate and others hard and fast. Mix it up and vary your weekly fitness routine.
Fake: Running is the best way to get in shape fast.
Truth: Running is a great activity to get in shape quickly, however, if you hate running and/or your body gets injured easily while running, it may not be the activity for you. Find an activity that you enjoy and your body responds well to and choose that as your primary activity.
Fake: Muscle conditioning is more important that cardio
Truth: In order to obtain overall fitness conditioning, you need to incorporate all primary and secondary fitness components. First and foremost, you should incorporate a balanced program of cardio, muscle conditioning and flexibility/mobility. In addition, you should incorporate your secondary fitness components which include balance, coordination, agility, speed, power, and reaction time. All of these fitness components are important for a body that is healthy and functions well.
Fake: Lifting Heavy Weights Makes Women Bulky
Truth: Women often don’t have the testosterone levels to build a lot of muscle. Women who body-build have to endure a very large volume of training to create big muscles and many may have to consume other ergogenic aids to create those large muscles. Developing big muscles in women is just not that easy.
Fake: Weight lifting is just for men
Truth: Women need to lift weights just as much as men do. As we age, our metabolism slows. Muscle conditioning helps to preserve muscle tissue thereby helping to keep our metabolism revving. For most women, weight training is more about maintaining the muscle we have versus gaining more muscle.
I hope this helps clear up the confusion and keeps you on a good path to overall health!
Note: As an avid Columbian reader, you can redeem a two-week pass at her world-class training studio to help get you started. Contact 360.574.7292 for more details.