
‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ has herpes

First, let me start by saying: Ewwww. “Fifty Shades of Grey” has herpes. Yes, you read that correctly. Two Belgian university professors performed bacteriology and toxicology tests on the 10 most borrowed books […]

FDA: Say “No” to crispy fries

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration continues to be the tastes-good-but-is-bad-for-you food buzzkill. This week, the FDA is reminding people to cut down the extra crispy French fries and certain other […]

Advertising the ACA

Turns out, the Affordable Care Act has a funny side. For the last couple months, health officials have been trying to spread the word about the new insurance exchanges created under […]

Saying goodbye to trans fat?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is taking aim at trans fats and intends to take action to keep the fats out of the American food supply. The FDA announced today […]

Marketing fast food to kids

Fast food restaurants may be touting efforts to promote healthier options to children, but they still have a long way to go to make a meaningful impact, according to a […]

Fat-shaming young trick-or-treaters

A Fargo, N.D., woman is apparently planning to hand out mean-spirited letters instead of candy to trick-or-treaters this Halloween. The woman told a local radio show she plans to give the […]

Cigarettes’ aging effect

If threats of cancer or heart disease won’t scare people away from cigarettes, maybe their vanity will. That’s the hope of a group of researchers who examined 79 pairs of identical […]

Monday Quit-day

More than half of the country’s estimated 44 million adult smokers attempt to quit each year. And, apparently, Mondays are the quit-day of choice. A global analysis of weekly Google search terms […]

Knitting whilst marathoning

A 41-year-old man knitted a 12-foot scarf while running in the Kansas City Marathon earlier this month. You know, because running a marathon isn’t hard enough. David Babcock stitched a red, orange […]

Tainted breast milk

I’ll start this post with a disclaimer: I’m not a mother. But, as a human and as someone who hopes to have kids someday, I’ve always been troubled by the practice […]

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