‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ has herpes

First, let me start by saying: Ewwww.
“Fifty Shades of Grey” has herpes.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Two Belgian university professors performed bacteriology and toxicology tests on the 10 most borrowed books at the Antwerp library.
The tests revealed just how germy public library books are.
Each of the books contained traces of cocaine, and the “Fifty Shades of Grey” book tested positive for traces of the herpes virus.
The cocaine traces were high enough that people who touched the books could test positive for the drug, but they wouldn’t feel any of the effects of the drug, according to a Time article.
The concentration of the herpes virus, however, was so minimal that there is no public health risk and it would be impossible to contract herpes from touching the book.
Still, gross.
I advise ditching the library hardbacks and borrowing e-books from now on.