
Insuring the uninsured

Nearly 60 percent of people who purchased health plans through insurance exchanges were uninsured prior to purchasing their plan, according to a new survey. The Kaiser Family Foundation conducted the survey […]

U.S. health care ranks last, again

The U.S. health care system ranks last – not an unfamiliar position – among industrialized countries, according to a new Commonwealth Fund report. The 2014 report looks at the health care […]

Priorities for birth control decision making

When it comes to discussing birth control options, women and their physicians have differing opinions about what’s most important. For doctors, the most important things to discuss are how to use […]

FDA: Pregnant women should eat more fish

Pregnant women aren’t getting enough fish in their diet, according to government officials. The Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency announced Tuesday that pregnant women should be eating […]

Tinder nurse educates men on health issues

A Tinder account featuring a photo of an attractive nurse is using the dating app to educate men about health issues. Finally, the creepy app is being put to good use. From […]

Portland-metro area third fittest in country

When it comes to physical fitness, Portland wins the competition for Northwest cities. Portland was ranked the third-fittest city in the country in the American College of Sports Medicine’s annual American […]

Wait time for doctor’s appointment varies by city

Patient wait times for doctor’s appointments vary widely from city to city, according to a study of 1,400 medical offices in 15 U.S. cities. Boston averages the longest waiting time for […]

U.S. measles cases reach 20-year high

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recorded 288 cases of measles in the U.S. through May 23 – the largest number of cases in that time period since […]

Two-thirds of healthy adults are infected with HPV

Researchers in a new study have concluded 69 percent of healthy American adults are infected with one or more of 109 strains of HPV. The conclusion was researched through what is […]

Washington mid-pack with teen pregnancy rates

Washington’s teen pregnancy rate ranks No. 33 in the country. In Washington, there were 49 births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 19, according to the “American Teens’ Sexual and Reproductive […]

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