
Nurses feel unprepared for Ebola

A recent survey of nurses found the majority of nurses don’t feel safe or prepared for the unfolding Ebola situation. The survey, conducted by the online networking site for nurses,, […]

Survey says: Require childhood vaccinations

A recent telephone poll found the majority of Americans believe children should be required to vaccinations for childhood diseases and a small majority thinks kids who aren’t vaccinated should be […]

Genetic explanation for coffee obsession

Researchers have found a possible cause for coffee cravings: genetics. A new study identified genetic variants that may explain why some people crave caffeine, according to a Time article. Researchers looked at […]

Heroin overdose deaths on the rise

The number of people dying from heroin overdoses doubled between 2010 and 2012. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed recent mortality data from 28 states to determine the scope […]

Pediatrician group recommends IUDs, implants for teens

New recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics consider long-acting reversible contraception, such as intrauterine devices (IUDs) and progestin implants, the “first-line contraceptive choices for adolescents.” The pediatrician group made the […]

Parents support healthier school food policies

Most parents of school-age children support strong national nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold to kids during school, according to a new poll. The poll was released earlier this month […]

Report: Lift donation bans on gay men to increase total blood supply

If the Food and Drug Administration was to reverse its policy prohibiting blood donation by men who’ve had sex with men, the total annual blood supply could increase by 2 […]

Half of pregnant women get flu shots

Flu season is approaching, so let’s talk flu shots. During the 2013-14 influenza season, about 52 percent of pregnant women were vaccinated before or during pregnancy, according to the Centers for […]

American waistlines continue to grow

The average waistline of Americans grew by more than an inch in the last decade. In addition to the growing waistlines, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found […]

Doorknobs distributing viruses

A single doorknob can spread viruses to 40 to 60 percent of people in an office building in just a few hours. Think about that for a minute. One doorknob can […]

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