Author: Viki

May be Turkey-bound in 2015

Monday night my husband and I went to a Travelogue about Turkey at the Battle Ground Library. I’ve wanted to attend one of these for over a year or more […]

My husband’s co-worker’s garage

A few weeks ago my husband was relaying to me a conversation he’d had that day with one of his co-workers who happens to be one of my favorite co-workers […]

Bragging on Emanar Cellars

Haven’t been to Emanar Cellars in Battle Ground Village in quite a while so we headed over there last night. As always, Richard and Mar were accommodating and full of […]

Addictive Sweet Potato Burritos

I’m a big fan of sweet potatoes. According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, sweet potatoes rank higher in overall nutritional value than even spinach or kale. Granted, […]

Two new wine reviews. Malbec and Merlot.

As promised, tonight is wine night. Recently we’ve enjoyed a couple value wines…well, less than $20, anyway. Between the 2012 HandCraft Malbec retailing for $13 and the 2010 Ronan by Clinet […]

My first week with Baby Girl & Challenge (aka Snow & Charming)

Let’s see. Charming and Snow came to stay with us last Tuesday night so today would be the seventh day. I must say they are more work than I expected. […]

Simple home-made ketchup recipe

I’ve wanted to make my own condiments since I read the Bea Johnson book that I’ve now mentioned several times. My first attempt was Dijon mustard. It tasted good but […]

Snow and Charming…day three

I was going to write about another value wine I bought but I’m kind of pooped out so I’ll just update on Snow and Charming and start fresh tomorrow. Turns out […]

Introducing…Snow and Charming.

In the January 1 edition of The Reflector Newspaper there were these two beautiful dogs with a couple drawbacks; they were both deaf and blind. We haven’t had a dog […]

An approachable wine for $10

One of my loose 2014 resolutions is to spend less money on wine. Of course, I really enjoy wine but does anyone else feel frustrated when they spend $20 or […]

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