Cat Tales
A Feline Friendly Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a festive time, filled with feasting, family, and friends. But it’s also a time of potential distress for our feline companions. Any changes in a cat’s regular routine […]
For centuries, black cats were revered. Then, in the blink of a great, green eye, their fortunes were reversed. What changed history’s good luck charm into a symbol of all things […]
The ABC’s of Cat Behavior
Whether their behaviors are amusing, bewitching and charming or aggressive, bothersome and cantankerous, living with cats is always adventurous, seldom boring and occasionally challenging. Whatever cats do, they do it for […]
A Cat Safe Halloween is a Happy Halloween
It’s that time again. For goblins and ghosts, pumpkins and pranks, and things that go bump in the night. But as responsible cat guardians, please ensure that your cherished companions […]
Paws Up for National Cat Day
For decades, designated days have been devoted to an increasing number of awareness raising issues. And since 2005, raising awareness about the crucial issue of cat adoption has had its […]
What’s In Your Cat’s Food?
Anyone familiar with the expression, “You are what you eat”, will understand that cats are only as healthy as the food in their bowls. An ever-increasing number of nutrition conscious veterinarians […]
The Why, What and How of TNR
For far too long, colonies of feral cats have been a blot on the landscape of far too many communities. But there’s a solution that benefits both these communities and the […]
Clean Cat Ears 101
While your cat’s sensitive ears may discern the distinctive sound of a can of food being opened in the kitchen, a human’s helping hand can ensure those ears remain clear […]
Is Your Cat a “Scaredy” Cat?
Like people, pets deal with stress in their own particular way. Fear can turn any cat into a fraidy cat, instinctively triggering the fight, flight or freeze response in them. […]
Intoducing your cat to your other pets
Imagine handing out treats and name tags at the front door of your home for your new cat and your resident pets. Imagine happy munches and friendly meows or woofs […]