Cat Tales

A Cat-proofed home is a cat-safe home

A cat-proofed home is a cat-safe home whether your new pet is a newborn kitten or a fully- grown cat. Before that first front paw crosses your threshold for the […]

Adopting Cats with FIV

A cat diagnosed with the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) is still an ADOPTABLE cat. What, then, is FIV? FIV is a type of virus called a retrovirus. It is in the same […]

Act on Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

April 30th is National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day and we at Furry Friends ask that you consider saving a life by adopting a pet – purr-eferably one (or two) […]

A Cat’s Need to Knead

Do cats really need to knead? This question abounds with as many ideas, theories and suppositions as answers, and yet it remains an endlessly fascinating topic for feline aficionados. While not […]

Adopting Cats With Feline Leukemia (FeLV+)

A cat diagnosed with Feline Leukemia (FeLV) is still an ADOPTABLE cat. What, then, is FeLV? FeLV is a virus that weakens a cat’s immune system, predisposing it to certain infections, severe […]

What’s With Cats and Water Bowls?

Do you often find more water ON the floor than IN the water bowl itself? Does your cat play with the water, bat at the water, dip a paw in […]


Statistics show that in America, an animal is abused every 10 seconds. And so, April has been designated “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals” Month. A month during which everyone is urged […]

Hairballs: Fiction and Fact

It seems to be one of nature’s more peculiar rules: where there’s a cat, there’s a hairball. Although most cat owners are all too familiar with this feline phenomenon, there ARE […]

Cat Safe Cat Gardens

Although cats are predominantly carnivores, most felines fancy a side of greens with their protein. As cat guardians can attest, their pets have a particular propensity for ingesting the leaves […]

And Baby Makes Three

Pregnant and wondering how to break the news to your kitty cat (who was there first?). Contrary to the fear that an addition to your human family may mean the […]

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