Cat Tales
When Cats Chase Their Tails: Play or Problem
While many felines, like their canine counterparts, chase their tails as a form of amusement or pleasure, it’s a sight seen less often in cats than in dogs. How many times […]
Deciphering Kitty’s Distinctive Sounds
Did you know that cats are capable of making more than 100 sounds? Did you know that every year veterinary behaviorists discover even more sounds as they attempt to decipher exactly […]
The Feral Fix Challenge Challenges Us All
Alley Cat Rescue of Maryland has marked March 3rd as the start of the Feral Fix Challenge, an annual global event that brings together veterinarians and communities throughout the word […]
Fascinating Facts about Pussycat Paws
Did you know? Cats have dominant paws: While studies differ as to what percentage of cats are right, left or ambidextrous, they all show that our feline friends do indeed […]
Does Your Cat Drink From the Sink?
Picture this: you’re brushing your teeth or preparing a meal and your kitty hops into the sink. Competing for the same stream of water from the tap inevitably goes from […]
Uh-Oh! When Felines Ingest Foreign Objects
Everyone is familiar with the old adage “Curiosity killed the cat.” But as conscientious cat owners, paw-lease ensure that your cherished companions’ natural curiosity NEVER gets the better of them – […]
How DO Falling Felines Land On Their Feet?
Have you ever wondered how many of their legendary nine lives cats use up when they fall from extraordinary heights? Have you ever wondered how they, more often than not, manage […]
Tips for “Tearless” Vet Visits
There are more cats than dogs in American homes and yet they visit a vet far less often than their canine counterparts. Why? Because our prescient pusses can sense what’s coming and […]
Kitty Hair Here, There and Everywhere!
Does cat hair dominate your world? If so, consider the following seven steps to remedy the situation. Use a lint roller: Roll it back and forth and up and down […]
The Downside of “Scruffing”
Are you familiar with the term “scruffing” as it relates to our feline friends? Long considered the most effective way of restraining cats, it involves taking the looser skin on the […]