What kind of cat are you?

Like everyone else on Facebook, I’ve taken a dozen or so Buzzfeed quizzes in the last few weeks.

So I can tell you for certain that I belong in New York, Switzerland and the 80s. And that I might be a corgi. Or a bear. According to The Columbian’s neighbors quiz, I should live in a classic hometown with post-WWII homes and tree-lined streets. I can live with that.

So when my husband posted the What Kind of Cat Are You quiz — well yeah, I took it. He was a Scottish fold, for the record.

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For the record, this doesn’t describe me at all, nor does it describe any cat I’ve ever met.

Take the quiz. You know you want to.

Amy Libby

Amy Libby

Amy Libby is a copy editor and page designer at The Columbian who spends most of her time managing the Web. She has a cat, a dog and a husband and lives in Vancouver. Email her at amy.libby@columbian.com.

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