All Politics is Local

County council asks for I-5 bridge safety analysis

In the wake of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Maryland on March 26, the Clark County Council is calling for a thorough safety analysis of the Interstate 5 […]

County council formally opposes bridge tolling

There are a lot of things county residents would like the proposed Interstate 5 replacement bridge to have – more travel lanes, a bike/pedestrian path, expanded capacity for rapid transit buses, etc. But there’s one thing the Clark County Council doesn’t want and that’s tolling. On Tuesday, the council unanimously approved a resolution voicing its […]

Resolution in support of 3rd, 4th bridges not far enough for Lentz

When it comes to planning and building for third and fourth bridges across the Columbia River into Oregon, the Clark County Council is passing the buck. At least that’s what […]

County council already eyeing third, fourth bridges

With efforts to replace the Interstate 5 Bridge barely off the ground, the Clark County Council is already looking ahead to additional bridges across the mighty Columbia River. At its Nov. […]

That new port race campaign finance law won’t go into effect for a little longer

Of the many glamorous perks of being a Columbian political reporter (such as having a drawer in my desk for snacks and usually bountiful supply of sporks in the break […]

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