Month: May 2022

This local radio network is viable, reliable and community connected.

I am glad to serve my community and hopefully, the listener will benefit from listening to this audio service(CGR-Community Growth Radio)since 2013 these online and free streams provide target-specific programming for The Blind, Visually Impaired, The Disabled, and Veterans…Though to this day all Radio/Audio Reading Services are very relevant and useful to their listeners. And […]

A community minder broadcaster that is relevant, reliable and responsible to our listeners.

Some additional notes: The intended audience normally for Audio/Radio Reading services are those who are blind, visually impaired, those who cannot read or hold printed material, and those who rely on information-news-community-book and or magazine readings. Programming includes education and entertainment. Programming comes from many sources such as program producers, I.A.A.I.S(The International Association of Audio […]

In All honesty a truthful blog(as I am)from Gerald Gaule.

First of all, I thank you for reading this.  Many of you know I operate and own The ONLY full-time audio service(online) solely in Western Washington and Oregon for The Blind, Visually Impaired, The Disabled, and Veterans.  I started this in 2013 after spending 13 years as a volunteer working for the late Jerry Delaunay […]

Vital Audio Service For The Blind, Disabled, Veterans and More.

Community Growth Radio(CGR)/Northwest Audio Information Service(N.W.A.I.S)is a full-time online audio service that provides very target-specific programming mainly intended for The Blind, Visually Impaired, and those who cannot hold or read print, Veterans, and more. CGR/N.W.AI.S is one of such similar services for the intended audience in The United States, ALL services such as CGR/N.W.A.I.S are […]

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