This local radio network is viable, reliable and community connected.

I am glad to serve my community and hopefully, the listener will benefit from listening to this audio service(CGR-Community Growth Radio)since 2013 these online and free streams provide target-specific programming for The Blind, Visually Impaired, The Disabled, and Veterans…Though to this day all Radio/Audio Reading Services are very relevant and useful to their listeners.
And many do use it and the goal is to provide News, Information, Community Issues, Book-Magazine-Newspaper Readings, and more, and still, co-exists with many formats of options, CGR Radio/NWAIS is a member of The International Association of Audio Information Services. Many have asked what is a Radio Reading Service..(you may have to copy and paste the link to your browser).
This Radio Network is growing in programming and offering more than just your typical RRS programming and has been since 2013, it offers programming for the blind and the disabled in over 40 Languages, and it has added more programming than other local/regional AM/FM/LPFM or internet broadcasters that are not normally offered.
I have always stated That CGR/NWAIS is NOT a nonprofit or claimed to be, the operational funding has been self-supportive and has on occasion accepted free-will, non-tax-deductible donations(PayPal)in order to stay on and it pays for the basic bills such as Power, Internet, and related operations.
It always has been local and owned by me since then, CGR has no formal sponsors but does run sponsor mentions as thanks for their moral support or in 100 percent barter. CGR does belong to several radio networks and independent programming sources and with permission. This radio network does have the capacity of broadcasting live from a location(with a two-week notice and the requirements to set up and properly broadcast from a location).
Community Growth Radio(Northwest Audio Information Service)does have a business license and has retained it just in case of a formal sponsor and is(DBA)Northwest Audio Information Service with The State of Washington and The IRS. This Network does have a large reach via several apps, 3rd party non-commercial FM broadcasters via their SCA option AND SCA is still in use(67Khz)on 2 stations that carry CGR 1 Radio and this network is one of 30 similar services in The United States and CGR 3 VetNet Radio is a full-time radio network like the other two and it does have in-home volunteers for reading material.
These Networks offer a wide variety of programming from Educational, Community, and Entertainment..THE streams DO work(via)Voscast and are on, but they may be blocked due to a firewall in some public places..Here are the links…and they do work and how to listen directly to one of the 3 streams with different programming…THANK YOU…CGR Radio is NOT owned or operated by any other LPFM/AM/FM or Internet station….and to clarify CGR Radio has partnered with Jenny Brown of The Royal Oaks Country Club…and CGR NWAIS Radio is the only network such as this in Western Washington and Oregon. Thank You, Susan Galaviz(KXRW/KXRY Radio)and Jenny Brown…
CGR Radio DOES not charge for nonprofits or to broadcast live from a location that is non-profit or a free event and the station is self-contained (ask for details)and requirements to set up for a broadcast…* With all the 3 streams, apps and 3rd party broadcasters combined this network DOES have a large reach that is diverse and inclusive and equal.
CGR Radio 1 News-Info-Community Programming
CGR Radio 2-Arts-Entertainment-Community Programming
CGR 3-VetNet Radio for Blind, Visually Impaired, and or Disabled Veterans.
(you may have to copy the above listen links and paste them into your browser). The Listen links do work but may be blocked by a firewall in public places.
CGR NWAIS Radio in Vancouver Washington, is a full-time audio information service for The Blind, Visually Impaired, The Disabled, and Veterans by providing News, Information, Community, Educational and Entertainment intended mainly for those above and from 54-to 90 with target-specific programming as well offering newspaper-book and magazine readings by in-home volunteers.(Legal Note)This network is not associated with any other non-profit or J.Cohen, C.Forhan, P.Robinson, J.Barber, KIEV FM(and staff), but has solely been owned by me since its first day…THANK YOU again…