Author: Bill Victor

Stay organized to keep fitness on track

Whether we want to admit it or not, fitness is a science.  And basically, all science ultimately becomes very complex.  For the fitness-minded individual, the longer one pursues information on […]

Athlete Development Important In Small High-Schools

I decided to take a left-turn this week in my articles on health and fitness and speak about coaching - a profession near and dear to my heart. Several years ago […]

CPR Needed Anytime and Anywhere

In the world of fitness, people are regularly putting stress on both their heart and muscles.   With the improvements that come with regular and well controlled exercise, also lurks […]

Sports Safety Not Limited Only To Athletes

When I wrote my blog today, the weather delivered a huge contradiction.  As the mercury soared to 90 degrees, I had trouble reconciling the fact that I had license to […]

The Power in Food

On its simplest levels, there are some foods that make us feel good, those that make us feel bad, and those that don't seem as if they have any effect […]

The Skinny on Fat

In America, fat has a bad rap.  In fact, so bad that the public associates it as something that there is too much excess of, that it should be avoided. […]

VO2 Max Reveals Level of Fitness

When I was a kid, math was never my strongest subject. To the chagrin of my teachers, I tried to make the math, “make sense” by equating it with the […]

Water Often Underrated for Health and Fitness

Two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen.  We know it better as water - that magical elixir that has no appreciable taste but satisfies the burning need to quench our […]

Flexibility gains importance with age

Science  has propelled fitness and body physiology to unsurpassed levels, assisting an entire spectrum of health and fitness enthusiasts. Despite all we have learned, one of my greatest regrets is that […]

Low Spine Stability In Fitness Training

The human spine is a fascinating structure.  It serves not only as the anchor to our upper our torso but also facilitates our ability to bend and twist in multiple […]

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