county charter

Effort to overturn council rules falls flat

Clark County council’s rules of procedure are here to stay. Cathie Garber, Clark County elections supervisor tells The Columbian that Clark County Republican Party State Committeeman Christian Berrigan failed to turn […]

Madore’s proposed charter implementation agreement

At what I thought would be the end of today's special meeting of the Board of Clark County Commissioners, David Madore distributed a one-page "Charter Implementation Process Agreement." This was a […]

Vancouver may take stance on proposed county charter

Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt said today he'll ask city councilors at Monday's meeting if they want to discuss possibly taking a formal stance on the proposed Clark County charter that will be on […]

Pro-charter video a nod to “The Dating Game”

Local dudes Jim Mains and Gary Bock released a new Vancouver Side video today, and it's pro-county charter. Mains was a freeholder, as were video co-stars Temple Lentz and Joe […]

Forget a “meaningful” life, Madore wonders how one survives on $50k a year

Clark County Commissioner David Madore has said he doesn't understand how someone can live a "meaningful" life on $50,000 a year. Well, now he's dropped the "meaningful" and says people can't "make […]

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