Author: Kaitlin Gillespie

Giving thanks for Clark County politics

In honor of the holidays, I'm toning down my usual snark to reflect on some of the things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for those who read my stories, […]

Anna Miller out as councilor’s aide

It's official: Anna Miller is out as Councilor David Madore's personal assistant. Miller tendered her resignation to Madore and Acting County Manager Mark McCauley more than a week go, McCauley confirmed […]

D is for…

Full disclosure: I think Friends of the Carpenter did a (mostly) beautiful job with the "In God We Trust" sign, especially given the controversial nature of the project. But man, […]

A fast-moving target in growth plan

Understanding a subject as dense as Clark County’s Comprehensive Growth Management Plan update is difficult. It’s further complicated when information regarding the growth plan appears to change in the blink […]

Cities demand county show its work

The problem with tight deadlines — Thursday's Clark County Planning Commission meeting ended at about 9:15 p.m., and my story was written and turned in at 10 p.m. — is […]

The one-man Madore show

A funny thing happened on my way to the Clark County council meeting Tuesday. County legal staff had to give Councilor David Madore a friendly reminder that no, you can’t hold […]

Washington scores D+ for transparency, open government

A D+ is an abysmal grade by any measure, but there’s a special sting when that grade is given for government transparency. But that’s the grade Washington received in the Center […]

‘Unprofessional behavior and poor judgment’

Remember the email I wrote about last week from Councilor David Madore to Acting County Manager Mark McCauley? I got it. No court order involved. Bill Richardson with the Clark County Prosecutor's […]

It’s not over ’til it’s over

After six long and exhausting months on the campaign trail, it all ended this week. With the exception of a still tight city council race, the winners in local races have […]

Where are the emails?

Last week and early this week, we reported on Acting County Manager Mark McCauley’s job security in Clark County. Without getting into the vocal and in some cases vitriolic feedback that […]

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