Madore’s website promises bargain basement deals

Are you a business owner, or prospective business owner? Are you looking for a real humdinger of a deal, something too good to pass up? Well, look no further than Clark County. For zero down — that’s right, zero down! — you too can start a business or add square footage to an existing business.
That’s the sales pitch Commissioner David Madore is making in his new-ish web project, a site called Prosper and Thrive. The message is nothing new, obviously; the talking points have been reiterated for months. The purpose of the bare bones website, which was registered a few months ago, is to sell business owners on the county’s year-old program that waives development and transportation fees for new commercial development.
Potentially confusing for some of these prospective business owners, Madore doesn’t specify which Clark County is open for business. I’m sure Madore has never been to Las Vegas, Nev. — the Branson, Mo., of the west, as I call it — but here’s a little factoid: It’s also located in Clark County, and I don’t think it’s hurting for business.
“Now is the time. Clark County is the place,” Madore’s website promises. In a series of terse sentences that read like a Craigslist ad for a used car, the website declares things like “We love business! Come and see.” and “We love entrepreneurs. Free enterprise is alive and well in Clark County.”
Apparently, Madore made the website during his free time and it’s not affiliated with the county. The county already has a web page dedicated to its fee waiver program, located here. Instead, Madore’s site is part of a still-nascent nonprofit he promised several months ago. Like the consummate salesman he is, Madore even provides his cell number, so businesses can contact him directly. According to Whois, the site was registered to, Inc., a company that Madore owns.
I haven’t heard back from county employees yet about whether they knew about the website before it went live, or whether there was any discussion about its purpose. After all, the county has an economic development director, Jeff Swanson, who’s tasked with developing strategies for bringing more businesses to Clark County.
Update: Jeff Swanson, the county’s economic development director, said he was unaware of the website.
Marty Snell, the county’s community development director, also said he didn’t know the website existed. He said the graphic on the website was also not an “official product/publication of Clark County” (because it doesn’t feature the county’s logo of a person paddling away from the county.)
If you’re a business owner interested in the county’s deal, give Madore a call on his cell phone: 360-601-3056.