Month: February 2011

That's 'Mayor Cupcake' to you

Battle Ground Mayor Mike Ciraulo has a new nickname but it has nothing to do with his role in city government or job as a division chief for Clark County […]

Blueberries on aisle 3, eggs on aisle 15

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news to hard-working members of the Rural Lands Task Force, but two of three Clark County commissioners don’t agree with your recommendation to […]

Relax, It’s Mielke time

If the word "retreat" conjures up a positive image in your mind, well, you've never covered local government. In that world, "retreat" means "a time to sequester officials in a […]

Relax, It's Mielke time

If the word "retreat" conjures up a positive image in your mind, well, you've never covered local government. In that world, "retreat" means "a time to sequester officials in a […]

Tilting at windmills

Besides being responsible for the day-to-day operations of county government, Clark County Administrator Bill Barron has another role to fill: explaining literary references to commissioners. During board time with the […]

No bulletproofing for City Hall

As part of Vancouver's planned move-in to its new City Hall this year, a security consultant was brought in to give his expert opinion on how to keep employees and […]

Animals running City Hall

Millions of people celebrated Chinese New Year today. So in honor of the holiday, we took a look at the animals that make up the Chinese lunar calendar. The calendar includes […]

Pin one on

You've seen 'em. Right there, next to the inevitable flag pin on your favorite politician. The one that reps their town/city/county. Well, our local representatives have been kind enough to bestow […]

Update: Stewart says “no thanks” to C-Tran thank you

I posted yesterday about C-Tran's presentation next week to Vancouver City Councilor Jeanne Harris for her decade of service on that board. And I said I hadn't heard word about […]

Update: Stewart says "no thanks" to C-Tran thank you

I posted yesterday about C-Tran's presentation next week to Vancouver City Councilor Jeanne Harris for her decade of service on that board. And I said I hadn't heard word about […]