Sherri McMillan
Achieving your Goals and Dream Life – Step One
Achieving your goals and dream life...take step one! Working in the fitness industry for 25 years, I’ve noticed that there are certain things that those who are successful at achieving […]
Finding The Motivation!
Finding The Motivation to eat well and exercise can be tough..... I recently was the Keynote speaker for the “Dream Big” program which is an organization that helps kids create […]
Holiday Workout Plan
So, do YOU have a holiday workout plan? Did you notice that the day after Halloween, stores had all the Christmas and holiday merchandising up? Yep, Holiday season is upon us […]
No Excuses!
No Excuses! Maria Kang, a mother of 3, was recently inundated with negative comments after posting the following photo. Some people said it was “bullying” or “fat-shaming” and that her intent […]
Changing Your Workout Focus for Fall and Winter
Changing Your Workout Focus for Fall and Winter In the summer, I’m always outside cycling, running, and hiking but as the weather gets a little colder and the nights a little […]
Releasing Muscle Aches and Pains
Releasing Muscle Aches and Pains We just had a couple thousand gals participate in the Girlfriends Half Marathon this weekend to benefit the Susan G. Komen for a Cure and the […]
Life After Breast Cancer
Life After Breast Cancer.... Anyone who has ever been diagnosed with Breast Cancer realizes that the cancer experience does not end the day that treatment ends. You want to get back to your normal […]
Change Your Mind and Change Your Body
Pitfalls to a Healthy Lifestyle – Change Your Mind and Change Your Body Succeeding with your health and fitness program often requires a change in mindset. Sometimes even when you have […]
Stay On Track This Time!
What went wrong? Why did you fail last time? Most people have great intentions and start an exercise program over and over and over again. They decide to start working out […]
Surround Yourself With Great People!
Surround Yourself With Great People & Choose Your Friends Wisely This past weekend, I was uploading photos from our Summer of fun and adventures. It made me reflect how lucky I […]