
Top Tips to Build and Preserve Muscle

As we get older, we tend to lose muscle – approximately 7 pounds of lean tissue lost per decade with this loss accelerating after the age of 40. As a […]

Sugar Cleanse

Sugar may be the new smoking! In a large review of 73 meta-analyses — which included 8,601 studies — high consumption of added sugar was associated with significantly higher risks […]

Stand Up For Your Health

One of the best actions you can take for your overall health is to avoid sitting for extended periods of time. Research has shown that regularly getting up out of […]

What’s Best? Eat More or Less Frequently?

We’ve been told eating smaller meals and snacks more regularly throughout the day is the best way to eat for weight loss. In contrast, more people are adopting an intermittent […]

Spring Conditioning

Spring is almost here and that means we can look forward to longer days and warmer weather. We’ll often experience a surge of energy and many of us will start […]

Managing Blood Sugar for Health

Regularly high spikes in your blood sugar levels can significantly impact your health. High blood sugar has been associated with increased inflammation, aches and pain, weight gain, poor circulation and […]

Cardio for Your Booty

Strong hips are important for the strength of your knees and back. Science also supports that cardiovascular exercise is critical for the health of your heart. For those of you […]

5 Tips to Prevent Falls

Consider These Statistics One in three adults over the age of 65 will fall at least once a year. More than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling. A fractured hip is […]

20 Minutes Per Day

A new 2023 study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that only 28% of Americans are getting the recommended amount of daily physical activity. That’s less […]

10 Ways To Look 10 Years Younger

The good news is we are living longer than our ancestors. The bad news is if you don’t do something now to age well, your later years could be spent […]

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