It's the Fair!


Well, that's that. The end. As much as it exhausted me, I am really sad the Fair is over. We stayed until pretty much the very end tonight. We saw the […]

The Rate of Gain of Deep Fried Fun?

Today was the Junior Livestock Auction at the Fair. The day that helps fund college savings accounts of dedicated 4-H'ers around the county. The day when kids who […]

Tuff Mangos and Tuff Trucks ~ Just Another Day at the Fair

A friend gave me a head's up about a 4-H event this morning. We hustled and got to the exhibition hall in time to see an array of 4-H […]

The Fair Wants Your Feedback

Did you attend yesterday's Demo Derby? Were you seriously disappointed like I was? Do you want the Fair to know about it? You can. Here's […]

A Lame Demo Derby and a Llovely Llama

Demolition Derby Day is always my favorite day of the Fair. For whatever reason, this year they moved Derby Day to Thursday instead of Friday. I wasn't about […]

Ever Wonder What Happens At the Fair When We Aren’t There?

We were only able to spend about four hours at the Fair today. Even though it was short, it was still a great day. I got to […]

Ever Wonder What Happens At the Fair When We Aren't There?

We were only able to spend about four hours at the Fair today. Even though it was short, it was still a great day. I got to […]

Baby cow, buckin’ muttons, and disrobing cowboys ~ YEE HAW!

We met Briar today! His birth announcement appeared on Facebook -- man, I love technology sometimes -- so we knew right where to go. Briar, a brand new bull born […]

Baby cow, buckin' muttons, and disrobing cowboys ~ YEE HAW!

We met Briar today! His birth announcement appeared on Facebook -- man, I love technology sometimes -- so we knew right where to go. Briar, a brand new bull born […]

The Animials, They Are a Changin’

If you only attend the Fair once or twice per year (I can't imagine), you may not realize that there are two sets of animals over the course of the […]