Snack Board – A Winner for the Oscars

It’s the Oscars! Whether you’re a movie buff who’s prescreened all of this year’s nominees or someone who doesn’t have a clue what all the fuss is about, here’s a fun food idea you can pull off with zero prep and just a tiny bit of creativity. You don’t have to be having a party and you don’t have to be having company. You don’t even need to go to the store. A teensy bit of prep, and then all you have to do is tune in and curl up on the couch in your pajamas – kids, pets, and significant other all welcome.
I saw this idea from Cooking Light on Instagram. It was intended for Valentine’s Day, but I thought the heart-shaped box had a fancy, celebratory look that would carry over well to the Oscars (or maybe even a girl’s night or bachelorette party?). The candy compartments are ready-made to hold all the little snack items you can conjure from your fridge and pantry. Let your imagination run wild. Leave a few chocolates in place and organize around them, so you’ve got the whole evening’s worth of nibbles covered.
You can still find heart-shaped boxes of candy in the stores, most of them marked down to give away prices now that Valentine’s Day is over, but you could use a heart-shaped cake pan, a muffin tin, or anything you have on hand – just be creative. If you are committed to reducing your family’s food waste, this is a great way to use up those last little bits of crackers, snacks, and condiments. Got kids? Let them help fill in the blanks and make sure your bits and bobs include some of their favorites. Now relax, and have fun. The winner in best food category goes to this great idea.