Home Made

Jostaberry Jam, Padrón Peppers and Fresh Raspberry Vinaigrette

Whether you dash in and pick out a ripe tomato for tonight’s salad, or stop to get a bushel of cucumbers to pickle, you can’t beat a farm stand for […]

Sunrise Smoothie, Vegan Berry Protein Smoothie and Mint Chip Dessert Smoothie

The happiest, healthiest, longest living people live in hot-spots around the globe known as “Blue Zones.” You can add more vital years to your life by following their centenarian lifestyle […]

Spring Roll Chopped Salad

  It’s a sure sign of summer: outdoors you have sweltering heat, indoors it’s school supplies and pumpkins. We’ve got our summer groove now, and there is plenty to do. Let’s […]

Dairy-Free Lavender Honey Ice Cream

Nothing says nostalgia quite like home churned ice cream. It is one of summer’s greatest joys and a great way to bring kids of all ages together. Guaranteed to spark […]

Steak Salad with Fresh Summer Berries

  Berry season is here! Whether you pick raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries,  marionberries, or huckleberries, the Northwest is the place to be for the next two months. Grocery stores, farm stands […]

Giant Blueberry Pop Tart

Summer is all about having fun. It’s a time to run in the sprinklers, soak up the sun, and read a great book. You know the old saying, time flies […]

Let’s Tikki!

First day of summer, I got ya. I have the requisite new bottle of sunscreen, a floppy hat, and a bottle of bug spray: I am more than ready to […]

Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Pie

It’s a fact: dad’s love ice cream. They think that no one notices when they sneak off after dinner to stealth dip a spoonful from the freezer, but we do. […]

Shrimp Stir-Fry Foil Packets 

School is almost out, but it’s not too early to start having a little fun. These Shrimp Stir-Fry Foil Packets are fun to make and fun to eat. Best of […]

Hot Honey Grilled Chicken Thighs with Sweet Chili Sauce

Grilling season is here. Time to lean in to the heat. With a whole season ahead, you need an easy and affordable recipe you can use all summer long. Grilling […]

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