Month: May 2024

Hershey’s “Perfectly Chocolate” Chocolate Cake

One day every year, life smiles its brightest at you and gives you a perfect opportunity to celebrate. Whether you round up a handful of friends, or gather at home […]

Chive Pesto Potato Salad

Ready or not, here comes summer! You know it’s time when you reach for short sleeves more often than not and start to notice everything around you turning an even […]

Chokladbollar (Chocolate Balls)

Spring greening equals spring cleaning. While you transition your home for the summer, it’s also a great time for some organization. This year, while I’m doing deeper dusting and vacuuming, […]

Carrot and Ginger Tea Sandwiches and Blackberry Elderflower Spritzers

Of all the cards, flowers, and gifts I gave mom through the years, none of them could ever outshine the Mother’s Day breakfast in bed I made for her when […]

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