
America’s core runners

Running USA released this week its 2013 State of the Sport report, creating a profile of the core runners in America. The comprehensive study is conducted every two years and assesses […]

Proposal to raise cigarette age limit in NYC

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg isn’t the only city official who has placed a bull’s-eye on cigarettes. A proposal introduced Monday by the New York City Council would raise the […]

Morning-after pill age limits struck down

A federal judge ordered this month that the morning-after pill be made available over the counter for women and girls of all ages, striking down the prescription requirement for girls […]

Affordable Care Act turns 3

The Affordable Care Act turned 3 years old this weekend. Saturday marked the third anniversary since President Obama signed the health reform bill into law. And even after three years, the […]

Bloomberg takes aim at cigarettes

By now, most people know New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has a problem with super-sized sodas. But Monday, Bloomberg added another vice to his dislike list: cigarettes. Bloomberg proposed legislation Monday […]

Steer clear of fungus-infested bagpipes

For your health’s sake, be sure to regularly clean your musical instruments. A 78-year-old bagpipe player from rural England survived a nearly fatal case of fungal pneumonia that doctors say he […]

Lip balm addiction

Here’s one “addiction” without negative effects. That constant need to apply – and reapply – lip balm isn’t detrimental to your health, despite the urban legends that suggest the opposite. “Having a […]

Achoo! I blame you

What’s the best way to feel better if you have the flu? Find someone to blame for your misery. At least that’s the premise behind a new Facebook app, “Help, I […]

New year, new health trends

Paleo and gluten-free diets. Zumba and CrossFit classes. Every year, new food and fitness trends sweep the country. The Washingtonian magazine came up with this list of trends to expect in 2013 […]

High school condom dispensers

Access to condoms just got a whole lot easier for high schoolers in Philadelphia. In an effort to curb the spread of sexually transmitted diseases between students, 22 public high schools […]

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