
Obesity rate drops among young children

The number of obese American preschoolers is dropping. The obesity rate for children ages 2 to 5 has dropped 43 percent in the last decade, according to the latest data released […]

Obese women exercise only one hour a year

The average obese woman gets only one hour of vigorous exercise each year, according to a new study in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Obese men don’t fair much better, according to the […]

‘Good eaters’ as babies, obese as adults?

Having a baby who is a good eater may not be such a good thing. Researchers at University College and King’s College in London suspect babies who have big appetites may […]

Teens more stressed than adults

Teenage life is pretty stressful. Apparently, even more stressful than the lives of adults. In a recent stress survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, teens scored higher than adults. On […]

Researchers: Internet trolls are sadists

A group of Canadian researchers have backed up what many of us (at least those of us who work in newsrooms) have long suspected: Internet trolls are sadists. An online survey […]

Caffeinated kids

Here is today’s shocking statistic: 63 percent of kids between the ages of 2 and 5 consume caffeine. Seriously. A majority of preschoolers are caffeinated. That’s according to a new research published […]

CVS quits tobacco

In case you haven’t heard, CVS/pharmacy will stop selling all tobacco products by Oct. 1. The country’s second-largest pharmacy chain – more 7,600 stores across the U.S. – made the decision […]

Did the ‘Biggest Loser’ lose too much?

How much weight loss is too much? That’s the question the Twitter users and health officials are weighing in on today, following last night’s season finale of the “Biggest Loser.” The show’s […]

Just say ‘No’ to lemon wedges in drinks

I’ve always been grossed out by the idea of dropping a lemon slice into my water or iced tea. Not because of what I may taste but because of what I […]

Women in need of reproductive health education

“The science of baby-making still a mystery for many women,” so says researchers at Yale School of Medicine. Certainly, I thought, this news release title has to be a bit of […]

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