Author: Staff

HIV Testing Day

In case you hadn’t heard, today is National HIV Testing Day. Nearly 1.2 million Americans are living with HIV. The scary part? About one in five don’t even know they’re infected. Many […]

No skinny people allowed

Watch out fit folks: Some gyms are banning skinny people from their facilities. In an effort to be more plus-size friendly, some fitness centers are banning – or at least discouraging […]

Tanning risks don’t phase youth

A new survey shows young adults know using tanning beds is risky for one’s health. But, they reason, “everything causes cancer these days” so they hop in a tanning bed anyway. The […]

Weight of the world

Forget looking at the Weight of the Nation. How about the weight of the world? According to data from the World Health Organization and the United Nations, the entire adult population […]

Pizza vending machines

Ever stare at the vending machine in the work lunchroom and wish it had steaming hot, made-from-scratch pizza? Well, that wish may soon come true thanks to the Let’s Pizza vending […]

Ice cream sundae…with bacon?

As I’ve said before, I don’t understand the bacon fascination. But some bacon meals seem reasonable, at least for those who like bacon. The BLT, for example, seems like an acceptable […]

Gay blood donors

A fact many may not know: Men who have had sex with another man are not allowed to donate blood. The policy has been in place since the height of the […]

Active centenarians

Who says growing old means slowing down? According to a new survey by UnitedHealthcare, more than half of centenarians say they exercise nearly every day. UnitedHealthcare polled 100 people who are 100 […]

Sun-induced sneezing

As a seasonal allergy sufferer, I sneeze quite a bit this time of year. And I’d argue one of the most annoying feelings – next to having one side of your […]

Getting youth moving, healthy

Who better to help combat childhood obesity than the kids themselves? Earlier this month, Clark County Public Health and Leadership Clark County challenged local youth to help spread the obesity prevention […]

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