Author: Staff

Below-average Washington

The state of Washington is below average. And that’s a good thing. The Kaiser Family Foundation has created a sort of report card for the states, detailing the percentage of the […]

Food stamps and sugary drinks

Children in families that receive food stamps drink just as much milk, soda and fruit juice as kids who don’t receive federal assistance, according to a recent study. The study, which […]

Coffee boost

Nearly half of all U.S. workers claim they are less productive without a cup of Joe. And of those who need coffee to get through their day, 61 percent say […]

Ultimate artery-clogger

The Clark County Fair is in full swing. And what’s the fair without fair food? Staples like elephant ears, and burgers topped with onion rings, and curly fries. And … deep-fried […]

Weight-gain denial

Apparently, Americans are in weight-gain denial. Researchers at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington discovered that while U.S. obesity rates are rising, Americans tend to […]

Healthy Olympics intro

The opening ceremony for the 2012 London Olympics aired Friday night. One 11-minute segment of the ceremony has sparked quite a bit of discussion in the days that followed. That […]

Inactive Americans

More than 40 percent of Americans – and 31 percent of the world’s population – are considered physically inactive. And while women may be the fairer sex, they’re also the […]

Healthy travel reminders

With summer comes summer travel. As you prepare to hit the road (or sky) this summer, there are a few things you don’t want to forget. While vacation packing checklists usually include […]

At-home HIV testing approved

Now, in as little as 20 minutes, a person can find out if he or she is HIV positive in the privacy of their own home. Today the U.S. Food […]

What Supreme Court decision?

As a health reporter, I’m probably more tuned-in to health issues than the average person. I get that. But the findings from a recent Kaiser Family Foundation poll regarding the Supreme […]

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