Gardening with Allen
Spray and Thin Apple Trees
If you want apples without worm holes, regular biweekly spraying with a fruit tree spray is necessary. If you do not have a lot of untreated apple trees nearby, you […]
Mulches reduce weeds and improve plant growth
Nothing makes a flower or shrub bed look neat and attractive like a fresh application of mulch. In the Pacific Northwest, bulk bark dust is readily available and inexpensive. If […]
Prune Spring Flowering Shrubs
The ideal time to prune flowering shrubs such as Rhododendrons is soon after they have bloomed. This is the time when shrubs can be shaped or shortened without affecting next […]
Remove Sprouts on Recently Pruned Trees
June is a critical time to remove those fast growing vertical sprouts that occur after trees are pruned in the fall, winter, or early spring. This is particularly true for […]
Should I Pick Up Lawn Clippings?
There is a continuing debate about whether it is better to pick up grass clippings or let them remain on the lawn. The biggest advantage to letting clippings fall between […]
Prevent Wormy Apples and Pears
Now is the time to begin protecting apples, and to a lesser extent pears, from codling moths. Codling moths lay their eggs on developing fruit. Eggs hatch into worms which […]
Apply Slug Bait Around Flowers and Vegetables
Slugs and snails are plentiful in our moist climate and can quickly devour newly planted flowers and vegetables. They hide in the soil during the daytime and feed at night. […]
Don’t Remove Bulb Leaves Until They Turn Brown
Those left over leaves from your daffodils, tulips and other spring flowering bulbs need to remain for a few more weeks. They are producing the food that goes into next […]
Don't Remove Bulb Leaves Until They Turn Brown
Those left over leaves from your daffodils, tulips and other spring flowering bulbs need to remain for a few more weeks. They are producing the food that goes into next […]
Creating Colorful Flower Beds
Choosing the right combination of flower varieties and colors can make a big difference in the beauty and impact of a flower bed or border. It is important to choose […]