
Warm and Cool Weather Vegetables

After printing the list of warm and cool weather flowers, I had a request for a list of warm and cool weather vegetables. It is much easier to remember the […]

Wait to Plant Warm Weather Flowers

If we learned anything the last two springs, it was that warm weather vegetables and flowers like tomatoes and marigolds do not like cool weather. They just sit there and […]

Lasagna Gardening

Lasagna gardening or “sheet composting” is a no-dig, no-till method of developing a vegetable planting area which is 100 % organic matter. Cardboard or several layers of newspaper are first […]

Time to Fertilize Permanent Plants

Now is an excellent time to fertilize all the permanent plants in your garden including lawns, trees, shrubs and perennial flowers. Roots are active and will pick up the fertilizer […]

Early Spring Planting Time

Although container trees and shrubs can be planted year round, spring is one of the very best times to plant. The cool weather allows root systems to become established while […]

Early Spring Landscape Care

I like to lower my lawn mower to about an inch (usually about the second notch) the first time I mow. If the mower bogs down I will raise it […]

What Can I Plant Now?

I see all kinds of plants arriving in nurseries and garden stores. We don’t have to wait for official spring to begin planting in the Pacific Northwest. We don’t even […]

New Garden Tools

If you have been shopping for gardening tools recently you probably have been surprised at some of the design changes in the old standbys. There are many ergonomic tools available […]

Fruit Tree Pruning

Established fruit trees require yearly pruning for best health and maximum fruit production. Regular pruning will also help keep most of the fruit bearing branches within easy reach for harvesting. […]

New Climate Zone Map

The US Department of Agriculture has released an updated climate zone map for the United States. This revised map was developed with the assistance of Oregon State University. For the […]

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