Author: Staff

Weed in Bites

This time of year the weeds seem to pop up and grow overnight. It is very hard to keep up with the weeding. It seems to get put off until […]

Spindly tomato plants?

Question: I have been afraid to plant the tomato plants which I purchased because of the rain and cold mornings. I have been keeping them inside near a window, but […]

Residential Landscape Design Workshop

The Urban Forestry Department at the City of Vancouver is offering a free workshop on residential landscape design from 6 to 8 pm on Thursday, May 19 at the Firstenburg […]

Overgrown Shrubs? Prune or Replace?

Does this landscape problem sound like yours? “Seven years ago we purchased a new home and had it landscaped professionally. The shrubs were attractive for the first few years until […]

Plant annual flowers between bulbs

Did you enjoy the color provided by your spring bulbs such as daffodils and tulips? You can continue to have color in those same beds by planting annual flowers between […]

Simplify fertilzation

Garden stores and departments offer numerous brands and types of fertilizers. Gardeners have been trained to think that each type of plant needs its own fertilizer. Since our soils contain […]

Can we plant tomatoes yet?

I was beginning to wonder if it would ever warm up enough to plant summer flowers and vegetables. Were we going to have another spring like last year? The forecast […]

Ground Covers Reduce Maintenance

One way to reduce landscape maintenance time and cost is to plant ground covers, especially in problem areas. Ground covers do not require weekly mowing, although some benefit from occasional […]

No phosphorus fertilizer for lawns

The new law passed by the Washington legislature limiting phosphorus fertilizers will change the content of lawn fertilizers. How will that affect us lawn owners? Lawn fertilizers contain 3 major nutrient […]

Average Last Frost Date

Frost on my lawn on April 22. I thought the average last frost date was April 17. That just tells me that our spring season is late this year. I […]

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