Cat Tales
Ascites in Cats
Ascites (pronounced “a-site-eez”) is the accumulation of fluid in a cat’s abdominal cavity. While a swollen stomach is one of the most obvious signs of ascites, any dramatic shift in a […]
Hair Loss in Cats
Hair loss in cats, otherwise known as alopecia, can be either partial or complete, according to animal dermatologists. And although it occurs for a variety of reasons, the most common […]
The Importance of a “Pet-Nuptial” Agreement
Like a prenuptial agreement, the aptly named “pet-nuptial” (pet custody) agreement can assist you in keeping your cherished feline companion should your current relationship end. Whether you’re divorcing a spouse, breaking […]
Blood Pressure in Cats
For people, having our blood pressure checked is always a routine part of an annual physical exam. But have you ever had your cat’s blood pressure checked? Do you know what high […]
Cat Owners and Rental Properties
Do you own a cat but want to rent an apartment or condo, town home or house? If so, it’s vital that you’re fully informed before initiating this all-important process. Why? […]
Hyperesthesia in Cats
Rather then being a single disease, Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome (FHS) is a set of symptoms that indicates the presence of a dermal, neurological or behavioral problem. The opposite of anesthesia, […]
Safety First When Visiting the Vet
A cautionary tail: Never put your cat’s carrier on the front seat of your vehicle where it can be crushed and your pet killed by deploying air bags in the […]
7 Simple Ways to Celebrate Kitty’s Birthday
There’s no better time to show your favorite feline how important she is than by putting on the proverbial “Ritz” for her birthday. Why not consider “wrapping” these suggestions in […]
7 Outdoor Threats to Cats’ Safety
Notoriously inquisitive, known for nosing around indoors and out, cats continuously court disaster and it’s incumbent upon their conscientious owners to keep them safe from harm. That said, consider these seven […]
“Go Orange” in April for the Animals”
“Every sixty seconds, an animal is abused.” This is according to the ASPCA. And so, they have designated April as “Prevention of Cruelty to Animals” Month. They have also urged their […]