Mother Bird
St. Valentine’s Day
I’m still having a hard time accepting the fact that it’s 2015, let alone almost February already. I started this year off with a more structured homeschool schedule which is going well, but, as with any new schedule it’s taking some time getting used to. Part of being more structured also means planning out lessons […]
Spice Things Up
We ventured briefly out into the cold today. After struggling against the wind my kids became concerned that our chickens would blow away. I think the chickens will be fine (I hope), and I know something for sure: I don’t like the wind. I’m completely against it. But since it does me no good to […]
Autumn Musings
Autumn has brought that feeling with it, the feeling that it’s time to slow back down after the sometimes hectic pace of Summer. I’ve been so busy these last few months that I haven’t had the energy to write, or do anything creative for that matter. But the clouds and rain seem to have given me […]
Summer Time Tips
I hope everyone has been enjoying our Pacific Northwest summer! I have been a busy bee out in our yard; trimming, planting, digging. I love walking outside to the chicken coop in the mornings in flip-flops and getting some of the wetness of the grass on my feet. Little things like that make me happy. […]
Crazy Chicken Lady
Last Spring we brought home fifteen chicks from the feed store. It was our first time owning chickens, and we didn’t even have our coop built yet. The coop went up as the chicks grew out of their box in our spare room, then grew out of the brooder box in our garage, then when […]
Homemade Buttermilk
I grew up drinking buttermilk thanks to my grandma. She also cultivated in me a deep regard for coffee and All My Children. When Grandma was moved from her home into a convalescent hospital, I lost my buttermilk-drinking buddy (and an awful lot more). Through the years I kept my coffee habit going, and caught […]
Ode to Mason Jar
Oh, Mason Jar, how I love thee. Beautiful Mason Jar, for so long you were only used to preserve our delicious food. Stored away in a cellar or dark pantry for weeks or months. One day someone realized how versatile you could be and it was like a new species was discovered. I love you […]
Elderberry Syrup
Elderberry, or Sambucus Nigra, is a berry plant native to Europe that has been shown to help prevent and treat the flu, cold, and other respiratory ailments by boosting the immune system. The berry is high in vitamin C, as well as other vitamins and minerals. I tried some elderberry syrup for the first time […]
Citrus Vinegar Cleaner
I’ve used diluted white vinegar as an all natural cleaner for a long time now; I use it on windows, floors, mirrors, countertops, even on carpet to remove smelly stains. When the vinegar dries it doesn’t leave a vinegary smell, and it’s safe to use around kids and pets. To make my homemade cleaner even […]
Homemade Lip Balm
It is darn cold out lately. I have been gathering supplies to make homemade Christmas gifts with, and so when I woke up this morning and read the temperature on our outdoor thermometer I decided that today was a great day to stay inside and put those supplies to use! Today’s homemade gift is peppermint […]