Pissing Match

As the county government reporter, it’s not unusual that I get anonymous emails from county employees. But this morning I opened up an email that I will rate as one of the strangest I’ve ever received. It included a photograph of what I was informed is an urinal at the Clark County Public Service Center.


Look where you are supposed to aim – it’s a hockey net. The anonymous employee claimed that many male employees are “appalled” by the hockey nets.

According to the company that makes these “urinal games,” they are supposed to bring a “fun twist,” to “any bar, restaurant, hotel or office restroom.”

As someone who doesn’t pee standing up, I realize I may not be the best person to write this post, but I don’t see what’s so appalling about encouraging people to hit the target. Is a hockey net juvenile? Sure. But I doubt the people who are appalled are the ones who have to clean the floors. And walls.

Actually, the only thing that bothers me is that the company also offers soccer- and football-themed urinal targets.

Choosing hockey over football? That’s just lame.

Update: Commissioner Steve Stuart put this blog post on his Facebook page, with a note: “Here’s some bathroom humor for you. To be clear, I am not the employee who sent the picture below to the Columbian. I’ve actually been meaning to compliment the facilities director on his fun and creative means to keep things clean.” Stuart said nobody has complained to either the county administrator or the facilities director about the hockey nets. Then he added that the goals are solving the problem “we were having with inaccuracy degrading the tile beneath.”

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