He’s back behind the wheel

Hey, look who Editor Lou Brancaccio ran into Friday outside of The Columbian, where a crew from Nutter Corp. has been working on roads as part of the city’s waterfront access project. That truck driver looks familiar, doesn’t he?
Former Clark County Commissioner Marc Boldt, who was thrown under the bus by the local Republican party for not being conservative enough, lost his bid for a third term last fall to Republican David Madore.
Now Boldt has returned to his pre-politics job of driving trucks. Boldt, who served five terms as a Republican representative in the state Legislature before becoming a commissioner, used to work Pacific Rock, among other companies. He would work when the Legislature wasn’t in session, but gave up the job for the full-time role as commissioner after his first win in 2004. He said he has been working for Nutter Corp. for a month.
Boldt, who has filed to run for freeholder, did the opposite of what some elected officials would do if they were driving a large truck and saw Lou walking by. He got out of the truck and actually, on his own free will, spoke to him.
Lou asked Boldt if he has any ambition to return to the fun and games of high-end politics.
“Not now,” he said, but added “maybe in a year.”
Lou also asked Boldt what he thought of the M&M boys. He just laughed.
“Oh man!” was about all he would say.
(Us, too, Marc. Us too.)
And what about going back to driving a truck?
“I’ve got house payments to make,” Boldt said.