Extra! Extra! Clark County government incompetent, diseased!

Anyone who has looked at the front page of The Columbian today may have picked up on a theme regarding Clark County government.
Let’s see, we’ve got my story about how the county’s stormwater case that commissioners have been pushing was so pathetic that the Washington Supreme Court didn’t want to bother with it, determining that the Court of Appeals has said all that needs to be said. Then we have Erik Hidle’s story about how Commissioners Tom Mielke and David Madore had to be told that, yes, rules governing contracts do apply to them.
Hidle also contributed a story about the county’s website contracting an unknown virus so nasty it could have spread to any outside user who accessed the county’s website during a four-hour stretch Wednesday. Get that? It spreads, like herpes.
So the lesson for today is that Clark County government is incompetent and diseased.
But on a positive note, Clark County kids can dance!