
Couch vs. C-Tran continued

Here's a guest entry from our intrepid transportation reporter Eric Florip, on the back-and-forth that continues even after we go to press: Last week's analysis of C-Tran's finances kicked up a […]

"Softball Team" Overlooks B.G. Mayor

If the All Politics blog were a DVD, this would be an extra: For Thursday's paper, I wrote about five Clark County mayors joining more than 100 mayors across the state […]

“Softball Team” Overlooks B.G. Mayor

If the All Politics blog were a DVD, this would be an extra: For Thursday's paper, I wrote about five Clark County mayors joining more than 100 mayors across the state […]

Baja Phil

Phil Haberthur: Battle Ground deputy mayor. Vancouver attorney. Burrito pusher? It’s true. As of Sept. 20, Phil, and his wife, Lisa, are the proud owners of the Hazel Dell Baja Fresh, 7801 […]

Mielke indicates he will run for re-election

Clark County Commissioner Tom Mielke, in an interview today for "Clark County Focus" on CVTV, said he will very likely run next year for a second four-year term. The only thing […]

Biomass protesters brave the cold

People who oppose a proposed biomass plant in downtown Vancouver showed up as promised outside of Battle Ground City Hall Tuesday evening, where Clark County commissioners were having a meeting. Photographer […]

Just one more thing about biomass

My apologies if you don't care the least about this whole biomass controversy, but before I knew I'd be writing about the biomass costume I was planning a biomass-related blog […]

Courtesy the ankle biting hounds of Whinerville

We blogged last week about the signs being put up by Think - Vote with funny messages like "Does this sign make me look fat?" Well, a new batch of signs […]

Oooh, look at the princess, the skeleton and the … biomass plant?

On Monday, after spending all day at work writing an update on the biomass saga, I went home to get ready for the trick-or-treaters. I'm not sure what I would […]

A man in capri pants? That’s sooooo 2010

Last week we had a story about a male substitute teacher who showed up to work in capri pants. The story generated dozens of comments on our website, ranging from […]

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