"Softball Team" Overlooks B.G. Mayor

If the All Politics blog were a DVD, this would be an extra:

For Thursday’s paper, I wrote about five Clark County mayors joining more than 100 mayors across the state in opposing Gov. Chris Gregoire’s plans to eliminate state-shared revenue from liquor taxes. You can read the story here.

While gathering information to write the story, I called Battle Ground Mayor Mike Ciraulo to ask why he did not sign the letter. He informed me he had not heard about the letter the Association of Washington Cities circulated.

“I’m actually feeling left out … like I didn’t get picked for the softball team in school,” Ciraulo joked.

Ludicrous. I can’t imagine Ciraulo not getting picked for the softball team.

This is the same man who gets mistaken for Mel Gibson.


Let’s not forget Ciraulo also “acted” in a Kiss film.

OK. I admit I just used the word acted in the most liberal sense imaginable. Next time I will be more conservative with the word.

So what do you think: Would you pick Ciraulo for your softball team? Would he hit homers or strike out? You decide!

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