
C-Tran riders not “Stoopid”

Apparently, Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt wasn't just speaking for himself when he said this at Tuesday's C-Tran board meeting: "Who in the world are 311 and Slightly Stoopid?" The two reggae-flavored bands […]

Councilors agree ethics complaint against Leavitt has no merit

Since there's no Vancouver City Council meeting tonight in observance of Veterans Day, it's a good time to revisit a topic councilors discussed last week. City Attorney Ted Gathe gave councilors […]

New mavens, new photos

Reporter Eric Florip has been contributing to All Politics is Local, but we’ve officially made him the fifth maven. We recently introduced the newest contributors to All Politics is Local, Erik […]

The fluoride dilemma

What's in the water supply? Well, in Portland, not Fluoride. Vancouver’s neighbor to the south would do well to create a Bureau of Dental Hygiene post for The Crest® Gel Crest® […]

Scrutinizing signatures, tallying write-ins

Does this look like fun? Clark County hired more than 200 election workers this year, said Auditor Greg Kimsey. In the era of polling places, the county had to hire 600 […]

The almighty dollar

Budget season is here, and local elected officials are deciding how tax revenues are spent. To answer the questions, "Where do my property taxes go?" and "What do I get […]

Should Clark County lure porn producers frustrated by new condom law?

David Madore and Tom Mielke are looking like they will be the majority on the Board of Clark County Commissioners. Both decry regulations and have promised to do whatever it […]

Wrong ‘Couve

A co-worker brought in a mailer produced by the Washington Realtors. Since we've established that I'm so tired of reading mailers I'm only looking at the photos, I looked at […]

Ms. Naughtypants on Team Madore

There are two problems with listing everyone who has "liked" your Facebook page as a supporter, as Clark County commissioner candidate David Madore did on a recent ad. First, as […]

Clark County Shark Tank

A county resident talked his way out of some free cash from Clark County Commissioner Tom Mielke during the public comment period of the Oct. 30 county commissioner meeting. Apparently, Dave […]

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