
People influencing Vancouver’s search for a new police chief

All the buzz about Chip Kelly this morning reminded me of a post I've been meaning to write about Vancouver's search for a new coa ... um, police chief. Hey, I'm […]

Petitioners say duplicated signatures should count once

In the ongoing fight by light-rail petitioners to revive their failed effort, they have zeroed in on a state law governing the city petition process that says if a person […]

What’s in a mission statement?

It's displayed on the wall during every board meeting at C-Tran headquarters. Most of the time, it goes unmentioned. We give you, C-Tran's mission statement: "Provide safe, reliable, efficient mobility choices." Seems […]

Signs you live in Vancouver city limits

Your address says you live in Vancouver, but your property tax bill and ballot indicate otherwise. As evidenced by the recent failed light-rail petition, some people don't know where they live. […]

Light-rail petitioner can’t seem to accept defeat

At Monday's meeting, the Vancouver City Council was briefed by City Attorney Ted Gathe about the failed light-rail petition that was briefly thought to have enough signatures. Councilor Bill Turlay, who […]

The "Welcome Wagon" returns to the Old West

Jim Mains, who lives on the border of the Lincoln and Northwest neighborhoods, found this letter on his porch this morning and posted it on Facebook: Oh yes, the Welcome Wagon. […]

The “Welcome Wagon” returns to the Old West

Jim Mains, who lives on the border of the Lincoln and Northwest neighborhoods, found this letter on his porch this morning and posted it on Facebook: Oh yes, the Welcome Wagon. […]

14 ways to invalidate yourself

So the big story on Friday was how light-rail opponents, did, and then didn't, have enough signatures to put the matter to a vote. As Auditor Greg Kimsey was quoted in […]

Planting trees with Timbers

The first stop in the Portland Timbers' six-city "Dribble Oregon" tour was actually in Washington. Players met with members of the Timbers Army Northern Alliance for a tree planting Saturday in […]

Ron Paul wins…the write-in count in Clark County

It's a runaway victory for Ron Paul in the Clark County Elections Department's count of write-in candidates for president. Paul's name, or a variation on the spelling of his name, was […]

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