Author: Jake Thomas

Did Sen. Ann Rivers blame a tax hike on Assessor Peter Van Nortwick?

The term “fake news” has pretty much become a way for conservatives to condemn anything they don’t like seeing published. State Sen. Ann Rivers, R-La Center, has slapped two local […]

At the last minute, Clark County re-approves law enforcement agreement with Cowlitz

Clark County sheriff’s deputies and other law enforcement officers can still enter the Cowlitz Indian Reservation to respond to calls for services and help maintain law and order. But had the […]

State Rep. Liz Pike criticizes county council for fireworks ban they’re not considering

When state Rep. Liz Pike, R-Camas, announced she was dropping out the race for Clark County Council chair she issued a statement noting that she would embark on an “adventure […]

Glen Morgan files another lawsuit against Democrats in Clark County

Glen Morgan, a conservative activist who has a seemingly Herculean stamina for staring at campaign filings, has set his sites on the Clark County Democratic Central Committee for being horrendously […]

Councilors get an earful over Every 28 Days proclamation

On the first Tuesday of every month the Clark County Council holds its weekly meeting at 6 p.m., presumably so people who work day jobs can attend and offer their […]

Gillespie still raising more cash than Hoff in race for 18th District House seat

It’s about four months to the August primary election and a Democrat continues to outraise her rival in one of Clark County’s Republican strongholds. Democrat Kathy Gillespie has so far outraised […]

Retired county planner offers real talk on county’s approach to land-use

Before Gordy Euler retired as a county planner in November, he typed up a memo to his boss, Director of Community Planning Oliver Orjiako, that offered a frank assessment of […]

‘I’m not sure why this is an issue, frankly’

From the why-are-we-still-talking-about-this/why-is-this-an-issue? beat, the Clark County Council spent part of Wednesday afternoon bickering about something that everyone says is not controversial but has somehow attracted controversy. As you’ll recall, in […]

Did Clark County legislators bother voting in the last session?

There were nearly a thousand votes cast in the last legislative session, where Democrats (having regained control of Olympia) swiftly passed previously pent up bills. But did every legislator show […]

Quiring and Stewart offer explanations (sort of) for Every 28 Days proclamation

After Tuesday’s Clark County Council meeting, Councilor Jeanne Stewart pulled me aside to express her displeasure with Facebook, a former mayor of Washougal and this reporter. “Shame on you,” she said, […]

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