Did Clark County legislators bother voting in the last session?

There were nearly a thousand votes cast in the last legislative session, where Democrats (having regained control of Olympia) swiftly passed previously pent up bills. But did every legislator show up to vote?

The Washington Policy Center, a market-oriented think tank, has put out a report that tallies up how many votes each legislator missed in the last session.

According to the report, there were 1,425 new bills introduced in the session. On the House side, there were 549 recorded roll call votes for passage of bills. On the Senate side, that number was 492.

Overall, Clark County’s delegation was pretty good at casting votes, with most just missing one vote. Sen. Lynda Wilson, R-Vancouver, as well as state Reps. Monica Stonier and Sharon Wylie, both Vancouver Democrats, didn’t miss any.

But state Rep. Liz Pike, a Camas Republican who isn’t standing for reelection, had the worst record of the delegation, missing 29 votes.

The report does include an explanation from Pike: “I was sick with influenza.”

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