Author: Erik Hidle

Madore is off to Olympia, but he’s still thinking budget

Clark County Commissioner-elect David Madore is heading off to a "newly elected officials orientation" held by the Washington State Association of Counties this week. The Dec. 4-6 meetings in Olympia are […]

A Civil Bet

Clark County Public Works Director Pete Capell donned the green garb of shame during a meeting of Clark County commissioners Tuesday morning. The gear was the result of a losing bet […]

The Mielke way is most affordable

In an interview last week, Clark County Commissioner Tom Mielke said he was grateful for the support he received in the November election. “I’m honored by it,” Mielke said. “Especially, I […]

Madore enters the inner sanctum

Clark County Commissioner-elect David Madore got his first peek behind the curtain of county government this week as he was welcomed into an executive session on Wednesday. And yes, the county […]

Clark County Shark Tank

A county resident talked his way out of some free cash from Clark County Commissioner Tom Mielke during the public comment period of the Oct. 30 county commissioner meeting. Apparently, Dave […]

Problem solved?

Christian Berrigan has some new signs. And these probably only look like traffic signs to those who saw the last ones. Berrigan put a couple shots of the new design up […]

County addressing concerns as election draws near

A couple of Clark County residents have been worrying over foreign involvement in the election process as Nov. 6 draws near. Officials have responded to some of the concerns, and since […]

Trading real traffic for web traffic

If you're not allowed to stand on the highway interchange to spread your message to cross-state commuters, maybe the Internet is the way to go. Our story on campaign signs masquerading […]

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