Author: Staff

Fire up the rumor mill

Well, Vancouver city councilors Pat Campbell, Bart Hansen and Larry Smith are all up for reelection this fall, and folks are already lining up to try and take them down. First […]

A picture worth 800 trees

Following up on Tuesday's poetry reading during public comment at the Clark County Commissioners' meeting, I arrived at board time on Wednesday and someone handed me this photograph. All you need […]

Read the paper, Mr. Mayor

Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt and I shared what could be considered our own mini Katie Couric/Sarah Palin moment this week, when I asked him about whether he read The Columbian […]

Poetry for Pete's sake

Hazel Dell residents Jack Davis, 78, and Jim Kinney, 61, have made their opposition to the Luke Jensen Sports Park quite clear. They’ve expressed it in a number of ways: […]

Poetry for Pete’s sake

Hazel Dell residents Jack Davis, 78, and Jim Kinney, 61, have made their opposition to the Luke Jensen Sports Park quite clear. They’ve expressed it in a number of ways: […]

Age nothing but a number for Yacolt mayor

The late pop star Aaliyah once declared, "Age ain't nothing but a number." The phrase could have been penned to describe Yacolt Mayor James Weldon. The 81-year-old doesn't measure age […]

Hi mom! I'm on TV!

The Clark County Board of Commissioners and the Vancouver City Council met Monday to talk about several things, including fighting over biomass and about the upcoming renewal of Comcast's franchise […]

Hi mom! I’m on TV!

The Clark County Board of Commissioners and the Vancouver City Council met Monday to talk about several things, including fighting over biomass and about the upcoming renewal of Comcast's franchise […]

Does Clark County really need a trailer?

Clark County Commissioners awarded a $43,278 bid on Tuesday to Hurd's Custom Machinery of Harrisburg, Ore., for an "explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) trailer." Does Clark County really need a trailer? Yes, explained […]

Red light, green light

Tom Nosack is Vancouver's performance analyst -- the guy who keeps track of just how the bureaucracy is performing. You can see his recently updated snapshot of city performance here. Nosack […]

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