Author: Staff

What's in a (middle) name?

As the Vancouver City Council settled in behind its new dais in its new digs at the new City Hall, surrounded by pleasant soothing tones, all was well. Except one thing. […]

What’s in a (middle) name?

As the Vancouver City Council settled in behind its new dais in its new digs at the new City Hall, surrounded by pleasant soothing tones, all was well. Except one thing. […]

What does $7,500 buy the county?

In December, Clark County commissioners voted to turn down a scheduled pay raise, and, for reasons you can read about here this meant agreeing to donate the scheduled increase to […]

Fun with the county logo

Several months ago, we blogged about the municipal pins of choice for some of our local politicians. A few county employees have since made fun of me for my observation […]

What's the frequency, Kimsey?

Here at All Politics is Local, we know that you know we take covering meetings very seriously. But sometimes even a maven can get thrown off her game. Take Wednesday. I got […]

What’s the frequency, Kimsey?

Here at All Politics is Local, we know that you know we take covering meetings very seriously. But sometimes even a maven can get thrown off her game. Take Wednesday. I got […]

Will Pat ride again?

I was on the phone with Vancouver City Councilor Pat Campbell recently, and in our conversation he let a hint of his possible plans for the future fly. I asked if […]

Haberthur + Ciraulo = Mud Buddies

Earlier this summer, Battle Ground Deputy Mayor Phil Haberthur sent me an email with the following message: I have a topic to pitch to you. Ciraulo. Me. Mud Buddies. Photos. Interested? […]

Boldt ignores gut, follows Mielke's heart

Clark County commissioners on Tuesday finally decided what to do about street parking in a Salmon Creek neighborhood west of Washington State University Vancouver: residents will be able to park […]

Boldt ignores gut, follows Mielke’s heart

Clark County commissioners on Tuesday finally decided what to do about street parking in a Salmon Creek neighborhood west of Washington State University Vancouver: residents will be able to park […]

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