Sherri McMillan
“Turn Over a New Leaf” and “Fall Into Fitness”
Kids are back to school! Yahoo! Oops, did I say that out loud?! September is a very busy time in the fitness industry, only second to New Year’s Resolutions. Summer […]
Top 10 Secret Tips The Pros Use To Get Results When Lacking Time
Fitness Professionals are just as busy as the average American and they struggle to get their workouts in just like everyone. Consider this…you’ve been at the gym all day working […]
Fine Tuning Your Cardio Workouts to Maximize Fat Loss
In order to maximize caloric expenditure, we need to maximize the amount of oxygen we are consuming during cardio workouts. We utilize more oxygen when we involve more muscle mass. […]
Mix It Up In The Weight Room
If you have been doing the same program and the same exercises in the weight room, it’s time to change it up. Although there are a lot of different ways […]
Mind Games Get You Through a Workout….
....or race! Have you ever struggled to get through a workout? We’ve recently had a number of local athletes complete an Ironman Triathlon which consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 […]
Fat AND Fit
Are you carrying a lot of extra body fat? Although our society as a whole tends to fat-shame, the good news is some evidence suggests that fitness is more important […]
How do you make exercise fun?!
Most people think exercise is a chore and can’t wait until it’s over. Others can’t even find the motivation to get started and wonder how others can find any joy […]
Take Advantage of RESULTS MOMENTUM!
The number one reason clients consult with us is to help them manage their weight. Americans are getting unhealthier each year. Health-related disease such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, and […]
Focus On Your Staples For The Summer
Most people find themselves very busy in the summer between kids being home from school, vacations, camping, BBQs and get-togethers. This can cause even the most die-hard fitness enthusiasts to […]
Racing and Training in the HEAT
We just returned from Pacific Crest event in Sunriver where thousands of athletes were racing Endurance events including the 72.3 BEASTMAN, Olympic and Sprint Triathlons, Marathon, Half Marathon, 25K Trail […]