Sherri McMillan

10 Ways to Dramatically Increase Energy

Maintaining high energy levels is crucial for optimal performance and overall well-being at work, home or play. Whether you need energy to face a demanding workday, complete a rigorous workout […]

7 Steps to Heart Health

Heart health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and the American Heart Association (AHA) stands at the forefront of providing comprehensive guidelines for maintaining optimal cardiovascular health. It’s important […]

The 3-2-1 Approach to Better Sleep

In the quest for a good night's sleep, the 3-2-1 approach provides a straightforward yet powerful strategy to enhance sleep quality. This method breaks down the hours leading up to […]

Plant Based Protein

Protein is a critical component of a balanced diet, playing a vital role in the growth, repair, and maintenance of various tissues in the human body. As we age, protein […]

Fitness Trivia

During this past weekend, we celebrated our 24th anniversary at NW Personal Training. As part of the festivities, we did a 24 question Fitness Trivia game. Let’s see how you […]

Reset Not Retreat

Many of you have set intentions for a healthier 2024 and yet, here we are only a couple weeks in and our plans are already being sabotaged with snow, ice […]

Remove Nutrition Confusion

How does one decide which approach to healthy nutrition they should adopt? Some swear by a vegan or vegetarian approach to promote overall health. Others are convinced that a carnivore […]

More In ’24

In the quest for a healthier and more fulfilling life, adopting simple habits can be life changing. Here Is A List of 24 Health Habits That You Can Adopt As You Launch […]

Better New Years Resolutions

With approximately 70% of our society overweight or obese, many people use January 1st as an incentive to lose weight and get healthy. Although carrying excessive body fat is a major […]

Reasons To Commit To Getting Fit

As we approach the New Year, we tend to reflect on the past year, while also looking forward to how we want our upcoming year to unfold. We may set […]

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