
Move Every Day, Without Exception!

If you want to improve your overall health, you need to commit to moving your body every day. You need to get into the habit of being active daily. Without […]

Do The Things to Create The Results!

Last week, we discussed the importance of setting your intentions for 2022 and establishing structure to assure you manifest those ambitions. It is clear that setting goals is not enough. […]

Setting Your Intentions For 2022

Typically, at the end of a calendar year, people will look back at the previous year and assess the highs and lows, the accomplishments they’ve achieved and the things they […]

Festive & Healthy Holidays

During the holidays, we can get so busy decorating the house inside and out, getting cards sent out to family and friends, finding the perfect gifts for loved ones, attending […]

Preparing for Winter Sports

The weather is getting cold and snow is accumulating on the mountains. For winter sports enthusiasts, this means downhill skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, snowshoeing and sledding is in our near […]

Kegel Your Way to Better Health

An inability to control urine flow when you age can be a socially embarrassing problem that can be managed. Stress incontinence or the loss of urine when you cough, sneeze, […]

Are You Exercising Too Much?

Many exercisers make the mistake of working out so hard that when they are finished, they are completely exhausted. They may go home or take a nap. Some may reduce […]

Fit For a Thanksgiving Feast

Halloween candy wrappings are still scattered around the house and already, Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Holiday feasts in the USA often involve an all-out gorge with everyone retreating […]

Thankful For Your Health

As we approach Thanksgiving and the holiday season, we tend to reflect on the people and things we are thankful for. Developing a gratitude mindset is so critical to our […]

Mind Tricks to Improve Your Health

We’ve all probably had to struggle through a workout or play mind games to get to the finish line of a challenging physical event or race. Recent research indicates that […]

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