Month: May 2024

Stop Running Red Lights on Your Fitness Journey!

In the pursuit of fitness and wellness, mistakes and missed goals are inevitable. Whether it's skipping a workout, indulging in an unhealthy meal, or not hitting a personal best, these […]

Working Out Is Like Brushing Your Teeth

I was teaching at a resort recently and I asked one of the guests if he would like to participate in my fitness class. His response was “No way. I’m […]

Health Tests – What’s the Bare Minimum?

It’s important to work closely with your physician to regularly monitor critical health metrics. There are an unlimited number of tests that can be ordered and reviewed so it can […]

Exercise Snacks May Be Better Than Prolonged Exercise

In today's fast-paced world, finding time for a traditional workout routine can be challenging. Between work, family commitments, and other responsibilities, the idea of setting aside a dedicated block of […]

Fiber For Your Health

In the realm of nutrition, there's one powerhouse that we should all be paying attention to and that’s the power of fiber. It’s one of the reasons that almost every […]

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